Financing top communications for luxury and premium brands without extra-cash in exchange for your stocks.
Barter enables you to finance your advertising and extra-media services in all around the world with the secure resale of your products stocks. It is also called exchange of goods and services.
Our Barter offer is probably the best kept secret in the luxury industry. For the same stock value EFFICIO GROUP pays you at a higher price in net premium communication counterparts: it is our leverage.
Luxury and premium brands seek our know-how to enhance their branding and drive-to-store strategies. Barter by EFFICIO GROUP offers a wide range of opportunities such as:
Our retailing experts resell your collections in secured, high quality and diversified networks in respect of your brand image.
Simultaneously, we deliver global creative communication solutions at a local or international scale according to your development’s ambitions.
EFFICIO GROUP supports your brand strategy and can operate in multi countries.
Flows (communication, products and finance) are facilitated through our international networks of offices in Paris, New York, Shanghai.
your collections wherever they are
them in international retail networks respecting your strategy
international communication wherever you need